Wednesday, December 27, 2006

FRESHERS--Alcatel- Lucent, Hyderabad

Dear all,

We have some requirements in IPRC, Hyderabad for which we are conducting a fresher written test in Hyderabad on 8-Jan-2007 .

You can send your referrals latest by Wednesday , 3-Jan-2007 (5:00 pm)

Eligibility: Mtech. / Btech. in CSc. / ECE/ EEE/ IT who has an aggregate of more than 70% (** 2005 / 2006 pass out only ** )

Request you to send your referrals to

PS: if an outstation candidate is short listed, the can didate has to bear all expense to come to Hyderabad for the written test at a short notice.

(Short listed candidates will be intimated through email about time and venue...)
Note: Candidates, who had appeared for the written test on 13th & 31st Oct 2006 at Hyderabad, need not apply.

pls send your mail to sridevi sridevig@lucent. com and CC to me
Kumar, Priya Ranjan (Ranjan)



1 comment:

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